2023 Plant List

2023 Plant Sale Details

Please explore our inventory below which may experience additional updates prior to the start of the sale. You can use the sort and print features to generate your shopping list. Select the Camera icon to perform a Google search for images and information on many of these plants.

Select the Caresheet icon to view the Plant Care Sheet. These sheets have been compiled by the Desert Museum Botany Department. In some cases, plant care information from Mountain States Wholesale Nursery has been used to supplement the museum's own knowledge base.

As always, the region’s #1 botany experts will be on hand to answer questions and offer advice to aid your shopping. Proceeds from the sale support our important Desert Museum’s mission. Please bring your empty 1-gallon nursery pots to recycle for next year’s sale.

Last update: 09-27-2023

Shopping List

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You can filter the list to only show plants for a specific purpose by checking one or more of the boxes below, and then using the 'Apply Filters' button.

Butterfly Gardens Butterfly Gardens
Spring Flowers
Tucson Revegetation < 4500'
Hummingbird Gardens Hummingbird Gardens
Summer Flowers
Takes Light Shade
Tortoise Food Tortoise Food
Fall Flowers
Hardy 15° to 22°F
Bee Gardens Bees
Winter Flowers
Patio Pots
Bat Gardens Bats
Bird Cover/Food
Moth Gardens
Ethnobotany Ethnobotany

Filtered by: Ethnobotany (See All)

Common Name Botanical Name Form Purpose
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Passion fruitPassiflora aridaVine Butterfly GardensBeesTortoise FoodEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Velvet mesquiteProsopis velutinaTree Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Desert ironwood treeOlneya tesotaTree Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Desert spoonDasylirion wheeleriSucculent/semisucculent BeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon CardonPachycereus pringliiSucculent/semisucculent BeesBatsEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Banana YuccaYucca baccataSucculent/semisucculent Butterfly GardensBeesBatsEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Fishhook barrel "yellow flower"Ferocactus wislezenii Succulent/semisucculent BeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Hohokam agaveAgave murpheyi Succulent/semisucculent BeesBatsEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon 'Goodwin Homestead' heritage quinceCydonia oblongaSmall tree BeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Summer Snow™ plumbagoPlumbago zeylanica Small shrub Butterfly GardensEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Chiltepin (wild type)Capsicum annumSmall shrub BeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Lavender spicePoliomintha madrensisSmall shrub Butterfly GardensHummingbird GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Aguirre™ turpentine bushEricameria laricifolia Small shrub Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Mountain marigoldTagetes lemmoniiSmall shrub Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Desert fuschia (Zauschneria)Epilobium canumPerennial Butterfly GardensHummingbird GardensTortoise FoodEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Goodding verbenaGlandularia goodingiiPerennial Butterfly GardensEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Parry penstemonPenstemon parryiPerennial Butterfly GardensHummingbird GardensBeesTortoise FoodEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon 'Sosa Carrillo' heritage figFicus caricaMedium tree BeesTortoise FoodEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Bee brushAloysia gratissimaMedium shrub Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Lemon verbenaAloysia wrightiiMedium shrub Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon BrittlebushEncelia farinosaMedium shrub Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Seep willowBaccharis salicifoliaLarge shrub Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon CreosotebushLarrea tridentataLarge shrub Butterfly GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Yellow bellsTecoma stansLarge shrub Butterfly GardensHummingbird GardensBeesTortoise FoodEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Desert lavender (emoryi)Hyptis albidaLarge shrub Butterfly GardensHummingbird GardensBeesEthnobotany
Plant Care Sheet Camera icon Soaptree yuccaYucca elata BeesBatsEthnobotany
Common Name Botanical Name Form Purpose
Butterfly Gardens Butterfly Gardens
Spring Flowers
Tucson Revegetation < 4500'
Hummingbird Gardens Hummingbird Gardens
Summer Flowers
Takes Light Shade
Tortoise Food Tortoise Food
Fall Flowers
Hardy 15° to 22°F
Bee Gardens Bees
Winter Flowers
Patio Pots
Bat Gardens Bats
Bird Cover/Food
Moth Gardens
Ethnobotany Ethnobotany